What is the Otakubook?

The Otakubook was originally planned as a published portforllio of Otakugraphy over the year 2015. I was planning to post this as a book to show to photographers and the like, with the ultimate goal of getting published. But like all my publishing attempts, it has failed primarily because I never had the time or energy to do it. But with this personal website I'm actually able to publish the entire seleciton of photos.

The Otaku book focuses more on the atmophere of the anime/fan convention scene, not individual cosplayers. This can range from photoshoot gatherings, in-character cosplayers, people having a random enjoyment out of a water fountain, people playing video games, or enjoying a concert, random fixurees and the like. Sometimes it attendees eating food or waiting in line for food or sitting around.

It's the little things that if you piece them together that builds athomphere. The reason why I attend anime conventions is the athophere of people in the same interest that makes you want to forget about your short-term problems politics, real life, things that are outside of your control for at least a weekend.

The photos you will see are ones from 2015.




